Outback Suite
This kennel has a 5′x6′ climate controlled inside portion with a 5′x16′ outside partially covered exercise run. For our largest kennel there is a size requirement of 25 lbs. or more. With his own exercise-run to play in all day, your dog will have plenty of room to keep his mind and body active. For safety reasons, all pets are secured in their indoor accommodations overnight.
Indoor Condo
Our economy kennel: This condo is small in price but not in size. With it’s 4′x6′ of floor space there is plenty of room for your dog to stretch out and relax. Everyone in the climate-controlled Indoor Condos gets walked to one of our large exercise runs to play and go potty twice a day. Aside from these walks they are in their own kennels safe from the weather.
Indoor&Outdoor Cabin
Our most popular kennel: This is an indoor outdoor kennel with a climate-controlled 4′x6′ indoor area and a 4′x6′ covered patio outside. There is no size requirement to stay here, and it’s perfect for dogs of all sizes. Everyone that stays in these cabins is walked to one of our large exercise runs to play and go potty twice daily. Aside from that, they stay in their kennel where they can relax on their patio enjoying the outdoors or curl up inside with the heat or A/C.


Kitty Kondo
These two-story Kitty Kondos overlooking beautiful Lake Kitty Kaka are perfect for your finicky feline. With large viewing windows looking out to our plush garden area your cat’s mind will wander with visions of chasing chipmunks, bullfrogs, or even sneaking a swat at a fish in our pond.